Time To Recover From An Incredibly Wet Summer
It’s fall. We’ve had an incredibly wet summer and driving around Bucks County you can see who’s been affected by the crazy amount of rain we’ve had.
An incredible amount of roofing work
59. That’s the number of roofing patch jobs I’ve seen driving between Yardley and Bensalem. It’s a pretty big number but it’s not number that is striking. What strikes me is that out of those 59 projects, only 6 of them look to be a roof replacement. The rest look to be replacing some shingles.
Why that’s shocking to me is if homeowners called these contractors for a leak they’ve been dealing with through all the rain, we should be seeing more replacements. That’s because it’s very hard to pinpoint the one area that is letting in the water. And just from looking at many of these roofs, the shingles on the whole look to be well past their service age.
Make sure you’re getting the right work done
Now, it’s hard to see exactly what’s going from the ground, without getting a close look at the shingles and what’s underneath and below. But experience tells us, the damage to a lot of the roofs is more extensive.
We’re supposed to be getting a lot of snow this winter and without a proper roof repair, I’m afraid these homeowners will just be throwing money for a patch job that will fail this winter with the freezing and thawing a roof goes through.
I’d like to urge homeowners who are currently looking to have their roof’s repaired to call more than one roofing contractor. Most, including us at DYMI Construction offer a free inspection. Get more than one opinion. And when you’re weighing your options, put added weight on the side of caution.
Help is available
Money is always an issue when it comes to home repair but there are options available to you. Programs and financing are available and the roofing contraction you work with should sit down with you and help you with your options.
We at DYMI Construction, never write these post as a sales piece. What we try to do is give you the facts and help you make the choices yourself. We share our experience with you, to help you get the most value out of your roofing project. As always, if you have any questions or need a roof inspection, give us a call or drop us a note by clicking this link.