The Snow Is All Gone, Let’s Take A Look At That Roof

Metal Roofing Project

We were right about the crazy weather we had this winter and I think we’re right when I say I think we’re done with the winter weather.

Now we have to deal with the spring rain. Which is fine, if you’re not dealing with damage from the winter.

For those of you who didn’t heed our warnings, you might be dealing with all sorts of damage that will only make itself known from the tell-tale drip…drip…drip sound on your ceiling.

If this is you, we are going to go over your options over the next couple of weeks. Letting you know what is available to you as far as roofing options.

So before we get to patching your old, leaky roof with a new batch of asphalt shingles, take a serious look at the options you have for a new roof. Today’s roofing materials go far beyond shingles — and one of the most popular options is a metal roof.

750,000 homeowners in the U.S. chose to roof their homes with metal in 2015, that is 11% of the market according to the Metal Roofing Alliance. This now makes it second only to asphalt shingles.

Why is metal roofing popular?

Longevity. Metal roofing has a  long lifespan, which is why most homeowners make the switch from shingles to metal.

A properly installed metal roof will typically last as long as the house, with an expected lifespan of 40 to 70 years, compared to a traditional asphalt roof that lasts for 12 to 20 years. Many metal roofs come with lifetime warranties of 40 to 50 years.

When you’re comparing the cost of a metal roof to a traditional roof, you need to multiply not only the initial cost of asphalt roofing materials but also the repairs and re-installation of asphalt shingles and the labor required.


Thanks to the material’s unique durability, a metal roof can withstand the elements, including gusts of wind up to 140 mph. It won’t corrode or crack, because of rust-proof coatings. Color coatings are usually guaranteed against fading for 25 years.

Dents? High-quality metal roofing materials are often guaranteed not to dent. However, aluminum and copper, much softer than steel, are more prone to denting. Which are issues to consider when choosing the right metal for your home and your climate?

Energy efficiency

Metal roofing in both light and dark colors reflects heat effectively to reduce cooling loads in the summer and insulate homes during the winter.

The secret to metal roofing energy savings is in its variety of finishes. A highly reflective and highly emissive painted or granular-coated metal roof is optimal for reducing energy consumption and can actually remit up to 90 percent of absorbed solar radiation.

Environmentally friendly

Traditional asphalt shingles are a petroleum product, so they increase dependency on fossil fuels. These products, contribute an estimated 20-billion pounds of waste to U.S. landfills.

Conversely, metal roofs consist of at least 25-percent recycled materials and are 100 percent recyclable themselves. A metal roof is so light that it can often be installed over an existing roof, eliminating the cost and environmental impact of tear-off and disposal.

Style options

Metal roofing materials are available in more than 100 different colors, and come in aluminum, copper, stainless steel, galvanized steel, and zinc.

Whatever look you desire, you can find a metal style that will match. For a more traditional appearance, you can choose a metal shingle manufactured to resemble wood shakes, slate or clay tiles.

While a metal roof can be made to complement any style home and they look especially well appointed on bungalows, cabins, contemporary and cottage-style homes.

How much does a metal roof cost?

Homeowners can expect to spend anywhere from $3.50 per square foot to $14 per square foot on their metal roof, depending on materials used.

Corrugated steel and ribbed panels will bring your price down to the low end of $3.50 to $6.50 installed, while copper, at the high end, will take it up to $14 per square foot, installed. An average-size ranch home at 1,700 square feet with simple roof lines may cost anywhere from $11,900 to $18,700.

However, a high-quality metal roof could very likely be the last roof your home will ever need. As we all know,  “You get what you pay for.”

As always, DYMI Construction is here to answer any questions you may have. All you have to do is call or drop us a line and ask away.